Friday, October 26, 2018

Peek-a-who blog hop

Welcome to my day on the Peek a Who blog hop hosted by Marian at   originally, I was going to make a fun quilt, then a table runner, then plans changed again  so I made a pillow.   Why did plans change?  More overtime than expected, and a big mess in my basement

On Sunday, I was heading out the door for church and smelled something awful.  I head downstairs and find a mess in my family room, laundry room  storage room, and NO!! not my sewing room, yes  the city sewer system in my neighborhoodbecame clogged and I had a mess.  Everything is in the carport and my sewing room is in garbage bags so I don't know where anything is.

Good thing I had some fabric at work as I was getting ready to do a quilt and would work on it at lunch time.  Time was short, so I made a simple throw pillow.  I love pillows.  They are fun and I like to make seasonal throw pillow covers.  I couldn't find the right size throw pillow in my house, but this pillow cover is 12 inches.

Fabric is called Hallows Eve and is a fabric. 

So, what are you up to for Halloween and fall decorations?

Please visit the other bloggers and enter to win some great prizes.   And visit Marian at for a free pattern.

Monday, October 22, 2018
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Friday, October 26, 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Make a list Monday - October 15

So, yes, I am late again. But at least I am getting it done.  This week my list is going to be short, just because I know time is short.

I need to get this mini quilt done for a swap. It ships on Friday.   The extras are done.

I need to work on my Halloween quilt and get that ready for the Peek a Who blog hop.   I will share it on the 26th.

I also need to work on a pumpkin quilt  for the Pick  A Pumpkin blog hop that I will share on November 6th.

Get this quilt quilted. It really is almost finished.

Get this one loaded.  It is for my newest grandson, and I would like to give it to him when I see him at a family party on the 28th.

So, that is what I will be working on this week.  What fun things are you working on?

My link ups this week are

Monday Making @
Free Motion by the River
Wait Loss Wednesday
can I get a whoop whoop? @

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

WIPs Wednesday - progress report

Hi readers,

Welcome to Works in Progress Wednesday.  I want to share with you a bit of progress .  If you read my post from Monday, you know there are things I wanted to make progress on, and I have.  So, this is what I have done so far this week:

Block for my block of the month - done.   I worked on this today during my lunch break, then finished it when I got home.

Mini quilt for swap.  Progress getting made.   I have stitched some of this by hand, during lunch breaks, and did some after work tonight.

Cut out my project for my Peek A Who blog hop later this month.  Trying to decide if it will be a quilt, throw pillows for grandkids, or placemats, or table runner.

It isn't a lot of progress, but every little bit that I can do is progress.  I sleep better if I have had a chance to play with fabric. 

So, I hope to have a finished project by Friday. What  are you working on?  I love when you share and I enjoy reading your comments.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Make a list Monday - Yay for progress

So, I am a day late and a dollar short, but that is pkay. At least I have made some progress, and right now, even a tiny bit of progress is good for me. With the crazy hours I am working right now.

So, what did I make progress on? Well, only one thing from my list.

 This is the quilt for my granddaughter. I have made progress on getting the blocks going. I need to get the squares cut for the flower centers.

 This is a mini quilt for a swap. I need to have it ready to send by Monday, October 15.

I have decided that my sewing room needs some organization. There are days that I get home late enough, that I am tired and can't sew or quilt, so I start measuring and folding my fabric. I will tell you it looks nice to go to the sewing room and see some organization.

 This week, I am changing the list and making it a bit shorter  because I know what kind of hours I will be workin g

 1. Get the mini quilt done for my swap partner.

 2. Get my block done for block of the month. Due Friday, Oct. 12.

 3. Work on this quilt for my granddaughter.

 4. Continue quilting on this quilt. It is almost done.

 5. Start on my project for the Peek A who blog hop later this month.  This blog hop is hosted by Marian @

 So, what are you working on? I would love to hear from you. I will post my progress on Wednesday evening.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

One Monthly Goal October 2018

I love having goals. My problem is I have a lot of things I want to get done, so it is hard knowing whigh project to use for 1 goal for linking up with Elm Street Quilts and One Monthly Goal.

Because I just had a new grandson born on September 27th, I think my goal will be to get his quilt quilted and bound and delivered to him.

This is somewhat a tough goal, as I am on crazy, crazy overtime right now, and working Saturdays and trying to fit in the things a wife, mom and grandma needs to do.   So, if I put this as my goal I just may get it done.  

I have a problem of finding more things I want to do and then putting other projects off.  I will get this done, then set myself a goal to finish one of the other projects I have. 

Thank you to for setting this up and for all the wonderful sponsors. 

Not only will I be linking up with Elm Street Quilts, but also with Free Motion by the River @ and WIPS on Wednesday @

Monday, October 1, 2018

Make a list Monday 10/1/18

Wow!!!!! Where did the weekend go?   I feel like I haven't really had a weekend, with working on Saturday and church and doing stuff for my calling on Sunday. Oh, well. It is a new week and I have sewing and quilting to do.

I am keeping my list short this week, well kind of.   I am putting together kits, because I hand piece during my lunch breaks.  So here is what I would like to accomplish this week.  It all depends on what crazy hours I work this week.  We have been on huge overtime, so I don't get as much sewing time as I would like.

1. Finish quilting this quilt and get it bound for my granddaughter.  Have not decided if it is for Christmas or just because I Love You.

2.  I missed getting things together for 2 grandsons birthdays.  But, because I made throw pillows one year  I am going to make a new cover for their throw pillows.   They both love dinosaurs.

3.   Working on this quilt for my oldest granddaughter.  I think it will be for Christmas.  I have so many quilts I want to do.  This is the bone I will put in my bag to take to work this week. 

 4.  Finish cutting this quilt and try to start sewing. This will be for my newest grandson who was born on September 27th. 

So, there you have it. My list for the week.  I hope to get all of it accomplished this week.  I just have to work on it a little at a time. 

I would love to have you share what you are working on this week.

I am going to link up with  some linky parties.

Monday Making @
Freemotion by the river @
Midweek Makers @
Works in progress Wednesday
Wednesday Wait Loss
Needle and thread Thursday
Can I get a whoop whoop?