Sunday, March 24, 2019

All About Strings blog hop

Welcome to the All About Strings blog hop, hosted by Carla at  I am very excited to be here.

I don't know about you, but I have a lot of scraps laying around that I need to use.  In fact, I have a huge plastic box full of scraps that is marked for scrap quilts.  It is a good thing I have gone through all my fabric in the past few months.  Still not organized the way I want it to be, but it will be.

The basement is pretty much done, I just had to find a book case or two, and they are ordered and should be here by the weekend. Yay!!! Once I can start clearing the books off the shelves they are on (sitting in the carport , just waiting to be moved ),  then I can focus on my sewing room.

Now, back to the important stuff.  I have been crazy busy at work and also with trying to get my basement together and I wasn't sure what I was going to do.  I scoured pinterest for some string quilt patterns and I found this pattern and tutorial at    I loved it.    So I decided first I would make it a hotpad, because I can always use those.  In fact, whenever I try a new pattern, I like to make a block or two and turn them into a hotpad or a throw pillow first, just to make sure I really do like it.

Once I made the hot pad, then I had to start putting more blocks together, just to see it coming together.

This one is a winner in my book and is definitely going to be made into a quilt.    Now, here is one of the best things about scrap quilts.  ANYTHING GOES.  it is amazing how pretty they can be, and your backgrounds don't all need to be the same fabric.  You can mix those up.  Great for stash busting.

As far as quilting goes, the star is perfect for some fun feather quilting.  Then I did some wavy line quilting in the other parts of it.

I used aurifil 50 weight thread for the quilting.  I chose this one because it is 100% cotton and in things like hot pads I use cotton thread for piecing and quilting.

It has 2 layers of 100% cotton batting.

I can't wait to finish the quilt.  I am thinking of donating it to a charity through the hands 2 help that my friend Sarah at hosts every year.  This is such a fun pattern.

Please join my other blogging friends to see what they have made.  I have seen some of their creations and this may inspire you to use up those scraps.

Monday, March 25th

Karrin's Crazy World

Tuesday, March 26th


Wednesday, March 27th

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thank goodness it is finished Friday - tgifFriday- 3/22/19

Welcome to tgiffriday.   I am so excited to share this finish with you.

I wanted to do a fun panel for a wall hanging for 2 granddaughters.  They both love dance and when I saw this panel, I knew it was the right one for them.  I still have one more to finish.

I quilted feathers in the white areas, and on the borders I did little loopy loop designs.   I used glide thread for the quilting.  I love the sheen from it.

I put a hanging pocket on the back, but I forgot to stitch it down, so when my daughter hung it, the pocket came up.  So, I have stitched it down.

The next one will be done in the next few weeks.  I have been working on a forced remodeling and trying to organize my sewing stuff.  I didn't realize how much I really had.

Stay tuned, because you are going to see some finishes of quilts I have had started for a long time, and you will see some scrappy quilts that will help me get through some of my stash.

So  what have you been up to? I would love to see your finishes.

Please link up with me today.   And let's go quilt some more great things.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Quilt Qwazy Queens blog hop

Hi, welcome to my day on the Quilt Qwazy Queens  blog hop.  Every year for National quilting day, Marian at, hosts this fun hop.

This year we are to share our kind of crazy.  I wasn't sure what to share.  I have never really done much of what I consider crazy.  Well, yeah, there is my fabric stash, between 3 rooms and the carport, due to a sewage flood we had, but I didn't want to share that.

Then I looked at some pictures and realized I do have some crazy to share.  My crazy is my quilting.  I have done some fun things and my goal with this is to inspire you to give these things a try.

When I first started machine  quilting, I did so on my domestic machine, a Viking Lily 550.  I am sharing this table runner, to show you how big my stitches were.

Then I decided I wanted frames.  I bought a used grace frame for about $100.  I got it set up and it was a bit hard to guide the machine, but it did get a little better with practice.  Right now, it is in the carport, again due to the above mentioned flood.  Unfortunately,  due to the remodeling and some changes we are making to what was my sewing room, I don't have a place to set it up, so I am back to my domestic machine, this time a Juki tl98q.

One of the projects I did on my frames was this tardis quilt for a son in law.  Now, all I knew is this was from Dr. Who.  So my daughter explained to me, that this floats down from the sky, so crazy me decided I needed to quilt stars around this quilt, but they had to shine.  So, I decided to use metallic thread.  Remember, this was when I didn't know a lot about quilting  by machine, but through trial and error, I figured it out.  It was fun.  He actually needs it longer, so I am going to make a new one. My little grandson loves the Quilt, so I will make a new one for my son in law and my grandson will get the old one.

This is a fun quilt, I can't show the whole quilt as it has not been gifted yet.  But this has been a learning experience for me.  I started it on the frame, then decided to finish it on my Juki tl98q , off of the frame.  The best thing is, is that I can feel my free motion quilting is really improving.

This one was fun in that I backed it with fleece.  I also tried quilting stars.  This quilt will be called Puff the Magic dragon and is for a grandson.  I will share a full picture of the Quilt when I gift it to him.

I hope you are inspired to try some of your ideas you may have in quilting.

Please join the other bloggers for today, and check out all the bloggers for this hop on Marian's blog at www.seamstobesew.comand be sure to enter the contest. 

Today's bloggers are:
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs at

The drawing is for a $35.00 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop and 2 winners will be chosen.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Hands 2 help comfort quilts.

Confessions Of A Fabric Addict
 Today, I want to share with you about a special project that I am taking part in.  Those of you that know me personally, knows that I love to do for others. It is just me. Something I have always done.  So when I met Sarah, through blogging, and I learned what she does, I felt I had found a lifelong friend. We still have to meet in person.

So, I want to share with you a bit about Sarah.  Sarah does charity or comfort quilts. 1 time a year, she hosts on her blog a program to give quilts to different charities.  This year she is helping out 5 charities, and one just happens to be in my neck of the woods.  I will get to that in a few minutes.

Scraps to become a quilt

So through her blog, Sarah does a fun event called Hands2Help.  Quilters from all over donate quilts to the different charities.  How awesome is that?  But Sarah doesn't just do it once a year.  She does it all the time.  You see, Sarah heads up the quilt ministry at her church.  They donate quilts to people who are in need of them.   You can get more info about the hands2help event from Sarah's blog at

Now, remember I told you about a place in my neck of the woods?  We have a very great hospital here in Utah, that serves children.  It is Primary Children's hospital.  And as I type this, I am teary eyed.  You see, just 2 short years ago, my little grandson was there.  His mommy had just had a baby, and my grandson complained that his legs hurt and he couldn't walk. At first, we thought, oh, he just wants to be carried.  No, something deeper was wrong.  They took him to the pediatrician and they told them to get him to Primary Childrens.  The doctor office had called ahead of time and told the hospital they were taking him up there.  Turns out it was some kind of a viral thing called post viral ataxia, and he was there for a couple of days.  They gave him his very own quilt, that he fell in love with.  I share this story, because I think it is awesome that this hospital gives out quilts to their patients.   You see, quilts are a comfort.  This year, I am joining get the hands2help event, and even if I only make 1 quilt, that helps.  But I am hoping to make a few.  It just depends what life throws my way.

This will be a rail fence quilt

I have also had friends who have had children that have had to go there for various reasons.  So through doing some quilts I hope to give at least a bit of comfort to a child and a family.
Another rail fence quilt

Would you like to help.  Check out Sarah'so blog at  I have a huge amount of scraps that are going to make some fun quilts for the children at Primary Childrens hospital.  I hope you will join me in this effort.  If you live close to me and want to piece a top, I will gladly quilt it and get it delivered for you.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Welcome to March.   This month's color challenge is Navy Blue.  Navy is such a fun color to work with.  I love to use it in sashings and borders to make other colors pop.

 This is a fun block to make and really does go very quickly.

 You can get this month's block by going to  I love the blocks that Jen is doing. So many fun colors this year.

I will be making the entire set of blocks, and I will be sharing the finished quilt next January .  Please follow my blog, so you don't miss a single month of blockscheck out this month's bloggers to see the blocks they made.  They are:







Sorry my post is up late, but I inadvertently left my tablet at work last night and that is where everything is.