Tuesday, April 30, 2024

May 2024 Monthly Color Challenge

 Welcome to this months Monthly color challenge hosted by Jen @ Patternsbyjen.blogspot.com.    You can get the pattern for free if you visit her blog this month.  

I had fun making the block this month.   Yellow is a favorite color and the flying geese are a favorite block (I have a lot of favorite blocks).    

I did a few different blocks this month, using fabrics from my stash.   I wanted to try different shades of yellows.

 I also  decided to do a black in there as well.   Yellow and black reminds me of bees, and I love bees, particularly honey bees.  

Remember if you want to get the free block, head over to Jen's blog at Patternsbyjen.blogspot.com

Thanks for joining me today.  Before we go though, I want to share something I have been doing this year.   In March I purchased the EQ 8 software and have started designing and writing patterns.    I have had fun doing this.  I wrote a EPP Hexie pillow pattern last year and taught the technique at a retreat in February.  It was a fun class.   This is the pillow I made 

If you would like a copy of this pattern, please go to my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/kathyskwiltsandmore   and let me know you would like one.   I have designed more quilts and am in need of pattern testers.   One of the projects is an EPP project, and if you enjoy EPP I would love you to test for me 

Thanks again for joining me today. 

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