I have been having so much fun doing blog Hops and learning new things. Today, I get to share with you a fun new book. Dorie Hruska is an award winning long arm Quilter and teacher. This book is fabulous. It is called Making Connections - A free motion workbook.
It is really written for all Quilter's whether you are a newbie or have been quilting for a while, and whether you quilt on a domestic machine or a long arm.
Dorie takes you through, step by step, building on continuous curves, and sharing ideas for things you can do. I have a bunch of ideas going through my head for some quilts I will be quilting.
So, let me share with you a couple of things I have tried.
This one I did some curves in the squares and threw in some swirls. I used a pink thread, not sure of the brand, but I love how it turned out. I am going to turn this into a throw pillow cover.
This is a view of the back. My quilting is not perfect, but I will improve. This was done on my viking Lily 550.
After doing this, I started looking for more orphan blocks that I could quilt and turn into throw pillow covers. I knew I didn't have time to get a bigger project done. So, I found this block, and got thinking about how fun it would be to quilt some rectangles.
I took some King Tutorial thread by Superior Threads that was a variegated and did the same design that I did previously. I did find that sometimes I got mixed up in what way to do my swirls, but it worked.
Dorie suggests in her book to talk your way through the quilting. That is definitely something I agree with. Also, one of the best things about this technique is that you start and end in the same place. I can't wait to try this on my frame.
How about a giveaway? WAIT. LET'S DO 2. 1 giveaway will be for a copy of the book, it will be either a hardcopy or an ebook, depending if you are in the U.S. or international. The 2nd, is a throw pillow cover. Either of these 2. Just leave a comment about which color you would like. In fact, I think I will do one in neutrals. So, tell me which colors you would like. I am going to run this giveaway untilike Saturday, September 16. I will end it at 4:00 pm MST. I will pick the winners on Saturday evening and will message you. Please leave your
email address. Also, I would love it if you would follow me.
For the pillow cover it will be limited to U.S. only.
If you want to purchase a signed copy from Dorie, you can do that by going to
www.forever-quilting.com or you can also get a copy, not signed, from
I want to thank Dorie and C & T publishing for this opportunity to participate in this blog hop.
Need more inspiration? Check out Aston at
This week I am linking up with Free motion by the River at
And Jennifer at
www.inquiringquilter.com for #wedwaitloss