Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Get Ready for Summer with Ellie and Mac

Today is my stop on the Ellie and Mac get ready for summer blog tour. This blog hop was put together by Lo at  The tour is sponsored by who also provided me and the other bloggers with the patterns we used.

Disclaimer: this post may contain affiliate links. At no extra cost to you, if you order using my affiliate link, I earn a small commission.

I had a hard time choosing a pattern. There are so many that I liked. I choose the Be Brilliant swimsuit pattern. I made this one for my granddaughter and am planning to make another one for her and then  a couple for the other two granddaughters.

This is an easy pattern. The instructions are very well written and easy to follow and understand. 

I did not have swimsuit lining, so I used the same fabric for the lining. I bought my swim fabric at a local store  I like that I can buy it off the bolt or as a flatfold.

There are a couple of features that really appealed to me.  They are the skirt and the swim shorts.

When I gave this swimsuit to my granddaughter she was very excited, and couldn't wait to get pictures done. She then asked her mom if she could wear it the rest of the day.  I am so very glad that she loves it and is very excited to wear it.

Now to find a day to go swimming.   If you like this pattern, hop on over and order it. All patterns are on sale right now.

Please join the other bloggers on this tour. They all have some fun ideas for summer.

Please visit all the wonderful bloggers on the Get Ready for Summer Sewing Patterns Blog Tour for some incredible inspirations.  And enter the giveaway.
  1. May 7th: Seams Sew Lo
  2. May 8th: Tenille's Thread
  3. May 9th: Seams Sew Lo
  4. May 10th: The Sewing Goatherd
  5. May 11th: Aurora Designs Fabrics
  6. May 14th: Our Play Place
  7. May 15th: Momma Can Make It
  8. May 16th: Aurora Designs Fabric
  9. May 17th: QuiltsbyJoann
  10. May 18th: Liviality
  11. May 19th: Momma You Can Make It
  12. May 21st: Margarita on the Ross
  13. May 22nd: Sewing Blue
  14. May 23rd: Kathy's Kwilts and More
  15. May 24th: Momma Newey's Makes
  16. May 25th: Jot Designs USA
  17. May 28th: The Scatty Sewer
  18. May 29th: Granma Texas Sews
  19. May 30th: Fee Bricolo
  20. May 31st: My Sewing Roots

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

sewing a knit neckband - Tuesday tutorial

Hi readers,

I am trying to get into the habit of doing a Tuesday Tips and Tutorials post.  I need to put it on my calendar to remind me.

I do both sewing and quilting. Today's tutorial is for sewing. I love to sew clothing. It may not be less expensive,  but I can be creative with what I sew.

Today I am going to share how to do a knit neckband.

Your pattern will usually tell you what size to cut the neckband. If it doesn't then it is usually about 15% of the neckline measurement of your t-shirt, so if you calculate it you would take the neck circumference x .85.

I usually use a cotton lycra. You want to make sure you have something with good stretch and recovery. I have bought ribbing, but at .45 an inch, that gets expensive, so I usually look for a solid cotton lycra that matches the t shirt.

This is very important.  When you cut your neckband, make sure you are cutting the length going with the greatest stretch of the fabric.  You don't know how many neckbands, sleeve bands, and bottom bands I have messed up because of this. Usually the greatest stretch is the width of the fabric.

Once I have my neckband cut, then I serge or zigzag the short ends together to form a loop. Mark halfway points and then quarter points. I sometimes make a small notch, not too big, just within the seam allowance. I have also used marking pencils.

Now, mark your t-shirt. Fold the back in half and make your mark. Do the same with the front.  Now mark quarter points. When I first tried to make the shirts I used the shoulder seams for my quarter points. NO. They are not the half way point. You will end up with gathering at the front if you do this.  I match my center front and center back together  to find my quarter points. Make your marks.

Now take your neckband and pin or clip to your neckline. You will have your neckband folded in half, wrong sides together. Put the seam at the center back. Match your markings. You will have an even stretch on your neckband.  I sew from mark to mark. I usually use a serger, but you can also use a stretch stitch on your machine.  Now, on my Viking Lily 550, I can use a regular straight stitch and the stitches don't pop.

When you follow these instructions you will have a great looking neckband. I like to steam it just a bit, let it cool and then topstitch. For top stitching you can use a single needle or a twin needle.  I have fallen in love with twin needles.

The neckband on this dress was used following this technique. It turned out perfect.  This dress is the baby Savannah pattern from Pickle Toes Patterns.   You can use my affiliate link to order the pattern and I do earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
I would love to hear from you as to what kind of tutorials you would like to see. With 44 years of sewing I have learned a lot.

Thanks for joining me today.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

One Thimble blog Tour issue 19

Today is my day for the One Thimble issue 19 tour.  I was one of the testers for this cute pattern Pixel Pullover by Sew Jennuine Design.

It is a fun pattern with different options. I made the one with the shawl collar. I used blizzard fleece for the jacket and some knit fabric that I had in my stash.

I have another one or two cut out and I am putting a good on one and think I  may do the shawl collar, again, only I will use a bit heavier fabric for the neckband, waistband and cuffs.

This is not a hard pattern to do. The instructions are well written.  The hardest part was getting good pictures. This little guy would not stay still.   But he seems to like it, and that, my friends is why I like to sew.

Please check out the other bloggers to see some of the fun things they have made. I think I need to buy this issue.








Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Boys in Summer blog hop

Today is my day for the Boys in Summer blog hop. I currently sew for 6 grandkids, 3 of which are boys.  I love it.

This blog hop is being hosted by Made for Little Gents.  I am excited to be a part of her tour.

The pattern I am featuring today is a new one by Pickle Toes Patterns ( It is the snail hunters and so fun to make and easy. It has a side panel that you can do some fun things with.

I needed to look through my stash to see what I had for boys. I found some fabric that looked like denim, then I found this fun piece with sail boats. Perfect.

As I continued going through fabrics, I found some more to use for the panels. Oh, grandma is getting excited. Because I have found the perfect fabrics. I really didn't have anything with spiders, but I have tractors,  specifically John Deere. I have construction vehicle fabrics. They will make perfect shorts for these guys.

This is the fitting of the shorts. We had a family activity, so I took the shorts for them to try on. Then I had them stand against the wall. There must be a connection with cousins, as these two had not said anything, but one started doing funny poses, and the other just started doing the same thing. And to hear stories their mothers share when these two get together.

I love sewing for my grandsons.  Really for all of my grandkids. Yes, I could go and buy, but I get a better fit, I can do fun things, and the joy that I see when I make them new things is awesome. Don't forget that you can find the pattern here.
Boys in Summer Blog Tour: Part of the Sewing Blue Blog Tour series hosted by Made for Little Gents Looking for more summer boy inspiration? Follow along on the Boys in Summer Blog Tour hosted by Made by Little Gents by clicking through the links below. Fri. May 4 Made for Little Gents (Intro to Boys in Summer Blog Tour) Mon. May 7 Elli & Nels in Stitches Tues. May 8 Our Play Palace | Made by Laura! | Beri Bee Designs Wed. May 9 Made for Little Gents | Momma Newey's Makes Thurs. May 10 Phat Quarters | Dreams & Stitches Fri. May 11 Stylin' Stacy | Tenille's Thread Mon. May 14 Paisley Roots | Fabulous Home Sewn Tues. May 15 Seams Like Style | Kathy's Kwilts and More Wed. May 16 Sewing with D | Auschick Sews | Seams Sew Lo Thurs. May 17 My Sewing Roots | Sewing à la Carte | Middle River Studio Fri. May 18 Lunatiek | Needles to Say | Manning The Machine

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Mommy and me blog hop

Hi readers,

Today is my stop on the Mommy and Me Mother's day  blog hop. This hop is hosted by Lo over at  I am honored to be a part of this.

Disclaimer: my blog may contain affiliate links in which I may get a comission.

The pattern I chose to share is the Lulu Dolman by  I love this pattern and it comes in women's, girls, and baby sizes.  This is such a fun and easy pattern to sew.

The fabric I used is a cotton lycra from  I really love this fabric and others that I have bought from them.

I chose to make these 2 tops for my daughter and granddaughter. My grandkids love the things I make for them, which makes me want to sew all the more.

To get this fun, easy to sew pattern, you can go to this link
Please join me again on Thursday, May 10th as I share another mommy and me project.

Also, in the next few weeks, I will be changing my blog around. I will be doing a separate blog for my clothing projects and keeping this one for my quilting. The new sewing blog will be Sew cute couture by Kathy.   I will also be doing some tutorials to share with you.  Please make sure you follow me, so you don't miss anything.

Thanks for joining me today.

Thank you for joining us in the Mommy and Me Sewing Mother's Day Blog Tour.  Please visit all the wonderful bloggers on the blog tour:
  1. May 1st: Seams Sew Lo (Intro)
  3. May 2nd: Tenille's Thread
  5. May 3rd: Seams Sew Lo
  7. May 4th: Aurora Designs Fabric
  9. May 6th: Kathy's Kwilts and More
  11. May 7th: Our Play Place
  13. May 8th: My Sewing Roots
  15. May 9th: Auschick Sews
  17. May 10th: Kathy's Kwilts and More
  19. May 11th: My Crazy Beautiful Life
  21. May 12th: Sew Haute Blog