Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Sitting pretty top

This is the sitting pretty top by Ellie and Mac. I love this top. It has a pretty collar on it. I made this for my granddaughter and she loves it.

This top is made out of knit from my stash, that was bought at  I have to admit I love having a stash.

The pattern is from  It is a pdf pattern and comes in sizes from 12 months to 14.

 And guess what? They also have it in women's sizes.

  It is a very easy sew.
I know you will love this pattern.

This post contains affiliate links and if you order using the link I do earn a small commission.  The pictures on the patterns were borrowed from the Ellie and Mac website. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Fireside Sweater

I usually blog about quilts. This one is about a pattern  I tested for "Ellie and Mac" and you can find them at  this is a pdf pattern, which means that it comes via email to you.

I love to sew clothes, but had pretty much given up.on sewing for myself, as I had a hard time getting a good fit. I love the way this sweater fits. It has a strap across the back. I prefer to layer, but you can wear it without layering.

This was a quick sew, about 2 hours. I love the dolman sleeves. One of the testers used a different color for the bottom half of the sleeves. Turned out so cute. I used a t-shirt knit from my stash.

I will definitely use this pattern again. Keep watching the blog, as this week, I will be posting a few more clothing makes I have been working on.

If you would like to purchase this pattern, you can do so by clicking on this link And just so you know I am an affiliate,  so, I do make a little off of your purchase.

Thank you for reading. I love to hear your comments, so please leave some.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Winter Wonderland - Christmas Carol row along

Today is my day for the Christmas Carol row along. I am excited for this. Now, before we get too far, I am not a big name pattern designer. It sounded like something fun, and so I thought I would try it.

My pattern is a very simple one, without a lot of detail. This is so you can let your creative juices flow. I like when I have a pattern, that allows me freedom.   It is an applique pattern, and can be done by hand or machine. When doing machine applique, I like to use the blanket stitch, which is the same stitch I use when doing hand applique.

I have been working crazy hours, so my row is not completely done. The eyes and nose will be put on after I quilt, as I want to use buttons for the eyes and nose and maybe the mouth. These would just be small buttons.

If you remember the lyrics, there is a snowman that is a pastor. Use a ribbon for the tie. You can also make a suit jacket. For the circus clown, a fun party hat, maybe a skinny lace ruffle around the neck.

Now, let's have a bit of fun with my pattern. You can download it for free at

I want to see how you enhance the pattern. So, download it and get it made. Send me a photo of your row by October 29th Midnight Eastern Time, and I will write a post on October 31 featuring all your photos. And because I like to share, I have a stash builder roll of beautiful batiks from Island Batik. These fabrics are 5" x 40", and there are 4 or 5 to a roll. The fabric will be sent only to U.S. residents and the winner will be chosen by random number generator.

I want to thank for sponsoring the Christmas Row along this year.  They also provided me with some wonderful fabrics.

The white for the snowmen comes from the color works collection, and the number is 9000-10
the red for three sleigh is also from the color works collection and is 9000-24.
The gray with snowflakes (fence) is from the Hurry up Santa collection and is # 21711-92.
The white snowflakes is from Silent Night and that number is 21661-10.

Calibre Arts is also a sponsor.
Please feel free to leave comments.  I love to hear from my readers.

Please visit my friends at the following blogs
Helen at
Mary Mack at
Pamela at
Marian Pena at

Be sure to enter the contests for some great prizes. And make sure you read the rules. Winners  have to pay for their own shipping.
 Northcott Fabrics has been a sponsor of this event for all three years this Row Along has been held. In the first row along and now in the third, they have provided up to a yard of fabric to the bloggers to use in their rows, this was the first part of their sponsorship this year.

 Calibre Art has been my favorite cutting mats for well over a year now and my first mat still looks as nice as when I first bought it. Granted it doesn’t get as much use as it would have when I was piecing 20 years or so ago, but it still does get used as I cut quite a bit still with a rotary cutter.

Use this holder to hold your Quilt Blocks, Cross Stitch patterns, Needle Point patterns, or your Scrapbook projects, also use it as a Quilt Holder.

Rules and Guidelines For Giveaways
Please take the time to read it.

Giveaways offered by sponsors are assigned to the various bloggers for their featured day.

There are no prior announcements on who is doing which sponsor except to the sponsor themselves.

You'll have to visit the blog or the featured blog to enter the giveaways.

Not all giveaways can be entered at Seams To Be Sew.

I will start announcing winners on September 12, 2017, and finish announcing winners on October 12, 2017.

In most cases, the blog where you won at also will announce their 

You must give a valid email address when you enter the giveaways, any email returned to me, loses the ability to win automatically.

With the exception of Show and Tell Day, all giveaways run for approximately one week.

You are given 3 days to answer the email, if you do not answer within 3 days a new winner will be drawn. Check those spam/junk mail folders, you may miss that winning email if you don't do so because there are no exceptions to this rule.

If you are notified that you are a winner, in most cases, you will need to provide your name, address, city, state, zip code, country, telephone number, and email address.

In some cases, you will be asked to comment on the blog to enter the giveaway... do the right thing and thank them for the time it took to create the pattern, thank them for the pattern and...

Thank the sponsor by buying their products for the giveaways. This helps them continue to offer great prizes for these types of events. You can also comment on their social media pages. Even if you don't win, letting them know you love their products is a huge incentive and they really do love hearing from you.

No purchase whatsoever is necessary.

You must be 18+ in order to win a gift.

You are responsible for claiming and paying any tax owed on the value of any gift that you win. Prizes valued at $500.00 should be claimed.

All winners are chosen at random.

All winners will be announced on the blogs via the Rafflecopter entry form and/or post by the blogger at the site where they won and here at Seams To Be Sew. All winners must allow for their first name and first initial of their last name to be announced on this blog.

Odds of Winning a prize are based on a total number of rafflecopter entries during each week and in total for all giveaways.

This giveaway is void where prohibited by law.

Participating bloggers may enter any of the giveaways.

The word giveaways in the rules and guidelines are also known as sweepstakes.

Most of the giveaways are international shipping this year
in some cases, you will be asked to pay for shipping your giveaways.

I am not rich and I do not ask sponsors for money, they provide prizes only.

If they shipped the prize to me, you will be asked to pay for shipping.
All giveaways will be shipped that are in my home within 48 hours of my having heard from you.

An invoice will be sent to you via Paypal, and shipping will take place via Paypal, so your Paypal email will be needed to send the invoice. You will receive a tracking number except for overseas shipments. All shipping will either be first class which averages out at 2.77 to 4.00 up to 13 ounces. Paypal fees are added to that amount to cover that fee. All fabric bundles from Michael Miller, Hoffman, and Moda will be shipped via Priority Mail to protect the fabric itself.

Please note, every effort is made to protect the prizes. They go into a plastic bin when I receive them, and it is covered by an air tight cover. I have a dog in my home and I have a smoker in my home, so I do everything possible to protect the prizes.

Most companies are very good about getting prizes off to customers quickly also, but some companies are overseas, so please allow all sponsors a 2-week time period before you report to me that you still haven't received your prize. When the company is overseas, it can take 6 weeks to 90 days for an item to also arrive.

Whether or not you read the above, the rules for giveaways are in place to protect everyone. I do not want to hear you didn't read them, they will be posted on my blog daily during each featured day. There is no excuse for not reading them.