
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Christmas in July - Then and Now- blog hop

Wow.  Here we are, less than 5 months until Christmas.  And I have a lofty goal of 9 quilts, 1 for each grandchild by Christmas.  I keep saying I won't be sewing on Christmas Eve every year and guess what?  I still am.   I don't have any of their quilts done.  I guess I better get started.

This blog hop is being hosted by Carol @   I have loved looking through the ideas.   So many fun things to do.

Carol made this hop easy by saying we could post things we made in the past or now. So I want to share a variety of throw pillows I have made.

I love these snowmen

Pillow back

And I want to share a quilt I just finished quilting.  I still need to bind it, and I will hopefully get it done this weekend.   This quilt was made from a free pattern, which unfortunately is no longer available called Cookie Jar treats.  It was designed to match a fabric line.

I love the texture on the back. 

I really wish my quilting would have shown up better.  On the snowball blocks I did holly leaves and my red corner squares are poinsettias, both designs I learned from @   in my nine patches I did wishbone and I tried some dot to dot quilting which I learned from Angela Walters @   thread used is glide by @ which is my favorite.   

Thank you for joining me today.   I love to read your comments. 

Please check out the other bloggers for today:
July 31


  1. Lovely projects! Good luck with your ambitious quilt-making goal!

  2. Your pillows are cute--I made several last year--easy and great decor. I love your quilt and especially appreciate your showing your quilting. You have done lovely work! I use Lori Kennedy's and Angela Walters' designs/ideas a lot too.

  3. The pillows are just darling. I think you have the same couch as me!

  4. Great pillows! I haven't tackled those yet as a seasonal decoration, but I could see it happening!

  5. You do have a lofty goal this year. Many years ago I made quilts for all my nieces and nephews for Christmas. They still talk about them today. It really is heart warming. I'm rooting you on. You can do it!

  6. thank you for sharing your wonderful projects today. i love snowmen also and tend to have a lot of snowmen scraps now. time to make an all snowmen scrappy table runner
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  7. Thanks for sharing your lovely projects with us. Loving the snowmen quilt!

  8. Thanks for sharing your fun Christmas throw pillows, such a great idea for making the house festive for the holidays. I'll have to see if I can get a couple of them made this year. Thanks for the idea.

  9. Beautiful quilt -- and quilting thanks!

  10. Such sweet pillows and they look like they'd be quick to sew and gift to others. I love those kind of things! Your new quilt will be a beautiful Christmas treasure this year and your quilting looks really lovely. Thank you for sharing your then and now projects, Kathy! xo

  11. You do have a pretty amazing goal making so many quilts. I have plans to complete 6 Christmas quilts, I am over half way there now. I love your quilt and the quilting is beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. I love your quilt in Christmas blue. The quilting is truly amazing.

  13. I am impressed with your ambitious quilting plans for Christmas! Love your quilt in blue.

  14. Lovely quilts and Christmas projects. Hope you reach your goal for Christmas!

  15. So many lovely projects! Beautiful quilting! I always wait until late in the year before starting my Christmas quilts, too. Good luck with getting everything done before Christmas so you can rest before the big day.

  16. Cute prints in your Christmas quilt! I love the penguins on snowshoes! :)

  17. Pretty and festive looking cushions. Good luck with the Christmas sewing.

  18. I'm liking that snowman pillow (I love snowmen). Your quilting is looking great!

  19. Love those cute little snowmen pillow!

  20. What fun projects you shared and loved your fabric choices! Thanks for sharing.

  21. Thanks for sharing your pillows and your quilt. I love the quilting. Looking at it from the back is like getting the gift of a second quilt. Great job.

  22. That's a very cute quilt, and I love the name! You've been busy!

  23. 5 months? You have to be kidding, right? My Christmas Box is woefully lacking at the moment so I had better get my thinking cap on and figure out what I'm making for everyone. Last year everybody got a pair of hand knitted socks that took me the entire year to do but this year I don't have any ideas. Thank you for inviting us over for a wee visit with you!

  24. Thank you for sharing your projects! You're not alone, sewing on Christmas Eve. Sometimes I just wrap up a WIP and that's that.

  25. Yes, I understand sewing on Christmas Eve! Last year I gave up and my grands didn't get their Christmas quilts until after the lockdown started!! So much to do, so little time, and lately lacking in mojo to get it done! Thanks for sharing your projects.

  26. Beautiful things made with fun fabrics.

  27. These are great, and so cheery for winter. Quilting always looks so good on the back. It's why I often use muslin backings, since I love the look of the back stitching. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Wonderful Christmas projects. Nice quilting.
