
Monday, April 22, 2019

The diamond star wallhanging

Today is my stop on the Be A Diamond blog hop, hosted by Carol @   I am so glad Carol let me join.

For this hop we were to add a diamond to project or make a project with a diamond.   I found a few quilts I wanted to do with diamonds, and chose to do this one.  I decided first to make some of the blocks, then decided due to time constraints that I would make a wall hanging.   The diamonds for this project were cut at 45 degree angles.  It is a fun project to do.

This will be for 2 grandsons for their bedroom.  The 4 year old wants his bedroom in blue.  In fact, if I make him something he wants blue.  So I think I have accomplished that task.

Quilting this was fun.  Over the last several months I have been joining Angela Walters at for her free motion quilting challenge.   It has been fun.  So, in the diamonds nd trianlgles I did dot to dot quilting.  In the squares I did a design called back and forth.  In the  blue and white border I did wishbone and in the outer border I did a wavy, wavy design.  All of the quilting was done free hand, meaning I did not use a computer.   The thread used was glide by and color is Azure.  Glide is my go to thread for quilting.  I love the sheen.

I have block pieces cut, and will be working on getting a quilt done for his new bedroom.

  Actually, I need to make 2.  The 2 year old agrees to blue, but he wants trains.  I will be on the lookout for fabrics with trains for him.

Now, let me just say that none of my grandkids are spoilt.  Geandma just likes to do things for them.

Please join my other blogger friends to see what they have done.

April 22

April 23

April 24

April 25

April 26
Just Let Me Quilt

Monday, April 15, 2019

Make a list Monday 4-15-19

So, it has been a while since I have done my make a list Monday post.  I really like to have a list to keep me on track.

Before I shareally my list of what I want to do this week, I want to share some tips with you.  Tips that I wish I had started doing long ago.

I am not an organized person, although I love things organized.  So, I am now trying to turn over a new leaf.  I will write a post on how I organized my sewing room later this week.  I have some fun ideas to share.

Now for this week's list.  These are not in any specific order. I do work full time, so I try not to overwhelm myself.

1.  Finish quilting this quilt and get it bound.

2.  Make this top for myself. I will be doing view B.  Hope to get it done by Wednesday so I can wear it to dinner.

3.  Easter outfits.  This is fabric for 3 Easter dresses.  I want to do something fun for the boys.  These are for grandkids.

4.  Keep working on my 4 patch quilt for hands 2 help.  If you want more information check out Sarah''s blog at

5.  Try to finish quilting this quilt.

6.  Keep organizing the sewing room.  It is almost done.

7.   Finish this project for a blog hop for Monday the 22nd.  I had spaced it.   I really need to be using a planner, I think.

I will share a post on Friday about how I organized my sewing room.  I have some fun ideas to share. 

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