
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Island batiks back to school blog hop

Welcome to my day on Island Batiks back to school hop. I always associated back to school with the weather cooling down, and wearing the crocheted capes and ponchos my grandmother would make for us. 

After I had kids and started homeschooling them, I found the quilts would come off of their beds and be used for wrapping in as they did their school work. It was nothing to find us wrapped in nice soft quilts as we were sitting there reading classic literature. 

The fabric that I get to share with you today, is called lotus blooms. I love it. The purples, blues, greens and pinks. All are favorite colors. As I looked at this fabric, I knew the pattern is choose to make would need to really show it off. I had been working on a metro medallion quilt by Sew Kind of wonderful and really loved their patterns. So, I started looking through them and found metro twist, and knew that was the one I wanted to do.

I had hoped to have the top all the way done, but I have been working long hours at work. So, I would sit and handpiece during my lunch break.

I would sit outside at a picnic table and see howhat fast I could stitch.  Then once I got home, if I had a few minutes, I would do as much on my sewing machine as I could. 

I am really liking how this quilt is turning out. 

I really wanted another picture outside,  but I looked out and it was dark. I will have this top finished by the 29th  which is the last day of the hop. So, please join me then.  I would love it if you would follow me. 

Now, for the fun stuff. Island Batik is giving away 3 fat quarter bundles, so click on the link below for that.

Please join my friends for the back to school hop. You can find the link at

I am giving away 2 1/2" strips of fabric from this collection and a roll of stash builders (5" wide x 45").  For this giveaway  U.S. residents only. All you have to do is comment below about a favorite subject in school.  I had 2. 1 was home economicso and the other was marching band.  Then for a second chance in the drawing, comment how you follow me. I love comments. I read them all, and I try to respond as quickly as I can. This contest is open until 8:00 am mountain time September 30, 2017.

One last thing. I have a very special offer for you. I have teamed up with my friends from Sew Kind of Wonderful for a special offer.  From now until the 29th of September,  you can purchase the Metro Twist Pattern and the Quick Curve Ruler at a 20% Discount. Just use the code "Connections20off" at checkout. I really appreciate them doing this for my readers.

Thanks for joining me. I have a fun blog hop on Thursday as well,  so please join me then. 


  1. Beautiful quilt! I was always a science and math person in school and as an adult ended up teaching those two subjects in middle school. :)

    1. Allison,

      Thank you. I think the quilt will be beautiful. I wasn't great at math. Most of science was good, except for physiology, I could not memorize everything.

  2. Great quilt. I'm trying to enter the world of curves.

    1. Monica,

      You should get the quick curve ruler and the paytern. The instructions are very clear. That is really how I learned. Thanks for dropping by. I have lots of great things coming up, so please make sure you follow me.

  3. English!!! I still don't like math, history or science but give me a book to read or a pad of paper to write on, I'm IN!! You must have the patience of a saint to do all that hand sewing! Love the colors in Lotus Blooms.

    1. English was pretty fun. Especially the reading. I do love to read, just don'the do as much as I would like to. As for hand sewing, it is relaxing. If I am watching TV with my hubby I am usually hand sewing, binding or crocheting.

  4. Your quilt is very pretty! My favorite subject was science. Have a great day! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

    1. Oh, science. I singed my hair with a bunson burner. Oh, did it stink. I did like dissecting things, though. Thanks Angie for dropping in.

  5. I follow you by blog loving. angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

    1. Thank you. I appreciate it. I am going to be doing a binding tutorial soon.

  6. your quilt is going to be gorgeous. my favorite subject at school was history. I had two teachers that just made it come alive and made it fun to learn.

    1. I did enjoy hostory. When I homeschooled it was one of my favorite subjects to teach. I had learned how to make it more interesting and bring it to life. My favorite thing to teach? Home economics. Thanks for dropping in.

    2. I will definitely do a follow-up post, when it is done, so keep watching.

  7. Marching band was my favorite too! I played clarinet and baritone! Love those batiks!

    1. JamiI laughed when I read this. I, too, played the Clarinet. I love the batiks as well. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. I follow on facebook, just found you.

    1. Thank you quilter. I have more things coming up, so please stay tuned.

  9. English, I love to read. Not Library, teacher lost my test and gave me a D!

    1. Hi quilter,

      I was a librarian at one point. It was for a public County one. I do love to read.

  10. Choosing the metro twist with the Lotus Blooms fabric was a great choice! I love the delicate pattern in this collection. I always loved Language Arts class and increasing my skills as a writer. Most kids hated it, but it was my easiest class!

    1. Thank you, Kathy. By the way that is a great name. I love this pattern as well. Language arts was kind of fun. I do like to read.

  11. Literature was a favorite for me as I was always a "book-worm".

    1. I do enjoy reading. Read a lot when I was homeschooling my kids.

  12. I found you on bloglovin!

  13. Your design is beautiful!! I loved math and creative writing!! Thank you.

    1. Thank you. I love your name. It is a good name. In fact, I have some Slaughters in my neighborhood here in Utah.

  14. Love your quilt project. My favorite subject in school was math.

  15. I loved Home Ec - sadly removed from our local schools!

    1. Allison,

      That is sad. And the tiny bit they do teach, is not much.

  16. I liked English for a while, then Math, then eventually Biology...which is what I finally majored in in college! Thanks for sharing the giveaway!

    1. I never liked math. Could never get it. Enjoy the giveaway and good luck.

  17. Mine would have been science. I loved science classes.

  18. Replies
    1. Thanks for following. I will have more fun things coming up.

  19. I like your quilt colors. Very nice. I need to get my ruler out and use it.

    1. Thanks for following. I appreciate it.

    2. Definitely pull out the ruler. I also have the mini qcr. Love them.

  20. I liked biology and chemistry and eventually became a nurse, but home ec was also a great one... it was in a follow up to that class called "Decorate and Design" that I made my first quilt!

    1. I wish we would have had more classes with home ec. I would have loved to learn interior design, pattern drafting, tailoring and much more. So, now I do some on craftsy.

  21. Hi. I follow by email, and I loved math, spelling and art. Thanks.

    1. Spelling was a favorite. In fact, when I see words spelled wrong it drives me nuts. Glad you follow me.

  22. Tyty for your thoughts I love the colors you got..

    1. Anna,

      Thank you for dropping by. I love ye colors as well.

  23. Wow--that's the Metro Twist pattern? I haven't seen it done in such a soft way, and I'm seeing it through new eyes. I love it! I've had the QCR for ages and haven't ever tried it, but you've inspired me. And doing some of the piecing by hand--that's something I could get behind as well. Boy, am I glad I stopped by today!! My favorite class in school, from pre-school on, was English. Loved books, loved reading, loved stories.

    1. Beth,

      Thank you. You just made my day. The hand piecing was not hard to do. Just time consuming, but very portable. Glad I inspired you. Order the pattern and get out the QCR. I love to read, just don't spend as much time as I used to.

  24. My favorite subject was math, although you might not believe it now, if you knew me!

  25. I had 2 favorite subjects in school.  1 was home economics, & the other was math.

  26. My favorite class was home Ec too-it didn't matter if we were cooking or sewing-always looked forward to going! Thank you, Susan

  27. Very unusual & fun quilt! I follow you on Facebook & Instagram! Thank you for sharing, Susan

  28. Your quilt is going to be gorgeous! Thanks for the inspiration. Home ec was my favorite subject in school too!

  29. I follow you on Facebook. Thanks again!

  30. I guess I'm a bit of a geek; my fave subject was math!

  31. I just signed up to follow you on facebook! You are also on my bloglovin list. Hand piecing!! what dedication :)

  32. I follow your blog on my blogger dashboard/GFC.

  33. What a pretty quilt! English and band were my favorites in high school.

  34. Your quilt is great! Two favorite subjects in school for me were Art and Science!

  35. I loved history in school. Still do. Thanks for the giveaway, grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  36. I follow you on Bloglovin. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

  37. I loved trigonometry because it had to do with finding angles. I guess that's why I love quilting. I also liked English. Thanks for the giveaway.

  38. I follow by Bloglovin. Thanks. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  39. Math was my favorite. Did some tutoring. All about the great Algebra teacher I had early on.

  40. I follow you by all new posts arrive to my side bar on my blog.

  41. I love the design of your quilt. Sooo pretty!
    My favorite was Math. Thank you for the giveaway.

  42. My favorite class was typing! I love the colors you are using. I have both the ruler and the pattern, but haven't gotten to them yet. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win.

  43. Such a pretty quilt! Loved Journalism. Thanks.

  44. This is such a lovely batik collection and you certainly chose a great pattern to show it off! I appreciate your dedication in trying to get it done on time, despite long hours at work. You finished enough to show us what you're doing and it really is a special showcase for the Island Batiks! Great work! Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss.

  45. Love the quilt history was my favorite subject at school and still is

  46. I made the Metro Twist in blues and greens, looks a lot like yours. Love it. Favorite classes - chorus, Biology (loved the teacher) Thanks.
