
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Technique: 4 patch block

Today I want to share with you how a 4 patch block is made. They are really very simple. We are working with 3 1/2 inch blocks today. The first thing you want to do is accurately cut 4 squares at 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches. They can all be different colors or 2 different colors.
Stitch 2 squares, right sides together, on one side with 1/4" seam. Then do the same with the remaining 2 squares. You will notice I am stitching in black, that is so you can see it better. Normally I piece in white or natural.
Press your seams to the darkest fabric. The next step is to look at your blocks, and put them together. If you used 2 colors, you want them in opposite corners of each other, as you see in the photo. If you used 4 different colors, then it doesn't matter.
Line up your seams. The way they were pressed helps them nest against each other. Stick a pin in the seam. Stitch together with a 1/4 inch seam. Press your seams.
You should now have a square that should measure about 6 1/2 inches.
You now have some options. You can finish it like we did with the hot pad tutorial, you can make more, and I will do a tutorial on 4 patch quilts, or you can set it aside and ad I do more techniques you can combine them to make a small quilt, wallhanging or some pillows. Let me know if you like the techniques and tutorials. I would love to see photos of your blocks.

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