
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Heart pincushion - pincushion parade blog hop - day 28

Hi!! And welcome to day 28 of the pincushion parade blog hop hosted by Crystal @  This has been a fun blog hop and it has been neat seeing so many fun pincushion designs.

Today I am sharing another quick and easy pincushion with you.   It is a heart shape pincushion.   A fun gift to gift and tell someone you love them, just because.

Supplies needed:

2 pieces of fabric.  Size depends on how big tour heart is.
A heart template.  You can use a cookie cutter, a pattern online, or draw your own (you know, like we did in school?).


Basic sewing supplies

Start bygetting your template ready.  I drew mine by hand.  I folded a piece of paper in half and just drew half a heart. 

Then cut it out.

After I cut it out, I opened it up and it looked like a heart.

 Press your fabric.    Place your heart template on the fabric, pin and cut.

With right sides together, stitch around the heart, making sure to leave a small opening to turn right sides out and stuff.

I like to clip around mine, just to the seam line to get it to turn nicer.

Press and stuff. 

Stitch the opening closed.  You now have another fun pincushion.   Be sure to tag me at  And Crystal @  Use the tags #pincushion parade #pincushionparadebloghop

Thank you for joining us this month.  2 more days of pincushions.

I will be back soon with some fun quilts to share.  Just not sure when.  We just finished a remodel on Friday (about 6 weeks) and I am now spending my time putting things back together.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Pincushion parade blog hop day 23 - the flower pincushion

Hi and welcome back.  It has been so fun seeing all these neat pincushions.  I have been wanting to see along, but with no where to set up my machines, I haven't been doing them.   But I definitely will as soon as I get things set up.

Today's pincushion is a little flower Pin cushion. 

So, let's make one!!!  Or a few!!!! These are so easy.

Supplies needed:

2 circles.   Mine were 4 inch.   You can use whichever size you want.   Use a glass, mug, etc for your template.

Stuffing:  I used just regular polyfil.

2 strands embroidery floss.  You can use matching or contrasting.

Needle.   Long - could be just an embroidery needle or a farming needle.

Basic sewing supplies.

Button or a hexie (like you would use for app).  I used a 1 inch hexie.

With right sides together, sew your circles with a 1/4" seam.

  Leave an opening for stuffing.   Turn right side out and stuff the pincushion.   Sew your opening closed.

Take your embroidery floss and a long needle and find the center of the pincushion bottom and push the needle theough and up through the top.   Take your floss and wrap to the bottom and put your needle through the center and up through the top.  Decide how big of a petal you want and repeat.   Repeat until all petals are made.  Tie off your thread.

Take your button or other embellishment and stitch on the center of the too.  You could put a magnet on the bottom of the pincushion.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I can't wait to see your pincushions.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Pincushion parade blog hop day 17

Hi and welcome to day 17 of the pincushion blog hop hosted by Crystal from

   This has been such a fun blog hop.   I have enjoyed seeing so many different pincushions.

Today's pincushion uses the basic pincushion that I posted last week. 

You can find it here   The only difference is the size of the square.  I cut it 5 1/2 x 6.   You could also do a 6 x 6.    Then I put a fun epp hexie flower on the top, before I stitched it together.

  I stitched this pincushion totally by hand as I am still under construction in my house.

I have a tutorial on my blog for epp  For this project I used 3/4" hexies and I stitched it on with a whipstitch using aurifil thread #2311 in a 50 weight.

You could also use embroidery floss 2 strands) and do a blanket stitch to put it on.

You could also put some polyester batting behind the flower to give it a bit more puff.

I can't wait to see how you all  decide to embellish your pincushion.

Monday, June 15, 2020

English Paper Piecing (EPP) - A tutorial

Hi welcome to my blog.   On Tuesdays, it won't be every Tuesday I am sure, I would like to share tips and tutorials that I hope will be of interest to you.

This week, because I have some projects coming up that use it, I want to share some things I have learned for EPP.   I love EPP.  It is a very portable project that you can take with you in the car, while you are waiting for appointments, whatever.

First off, you need to get some supplies.   You need needles.  I use just regular quilting needles.  I am currently using the John James quilting needles size 8.

Paper pieces.  You can by these pre cut or if you don't mind cutting your own, you can download, print on cardstock and cut your own. A couple of sites I like are  and

Thread - I am not picky about my thread, until it comes to my free motion quilting.   I use what I have on hand.  Currently I am using some aurifil 50 weight thread.

Glue stick.   Another one that I am not picky about.  I have used elmers glue sticks and a fons and porter glue stick.  This is optional if you don't want to glue your fabric edges to the paper shape.

Clips - These can be the clover clips that so many use for holding the binding or you can use binder clips.

Last but not least, your big bin of scraps.   Depending on the size of your shapes you don't need big pieces. 

So, lets get started. 

Pick out the shape and size you want to do.  The smallest I have done is a 3/4" hexagon.  Trace your shape onto the fabric or do a rough cut.   You want about a 1/4" - 3/8" allowance of each side.    Cut out.   I usually cut out several pieces of the shape I am using at one time.   Take your fabric and a paper piece, and lay the paper piece on the wrong side of fabric.  Run your glue stick along the edge of the shape.   Fold your fabric over and stick down.   You will need to put a small dab on your fabric to hold it all down.

   Another option is to thread baste.   Use a clip to hold your fabric and paper piece together.   Fold an edge of your fabric over the shape.  Taking a needle and thread, the a knot at the end of the thread.  Take your shape and on the back side, go through your fabric, not catching the paper, and make a stitch, then go to your next section and take a stitch.  Continue folding and stitching all around.

  I usually glue baste but will sometimes thread baste.

After you get a good amount of shapes done, you are now ready to start sewing your shapes together.  Take two of the shapes you are working with and put two edges together.   Take your clip and put at the top, making sure both pieces are tight together and held by the clip.   Now your pieces are flat and you can do a back and forth stitch.

You can make so many fun things with the shapes.   You can do flowers. 

You can see them in rows for a fun throw pillow or  quilt.

Come back tomorrow and see what I am working on. 
 I will have a fun project for you.

If anything is unclear, please leave a comment and tour email address and I will get back to you right away.

Thank you for joining me and I hope you will follow me.  I love quilting, it is my passion and I want to share it with you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Pincushion blog hop day 10

Sorry for the delay.  My life is crazy right now.   This is what 1 of our bathrooms look like.

 It is so exciting to get home each day and see what has been done. 

This is how I cook breakfast and most meals.   I an up by 3:45 a.m.  so we can still be to work on time.

Now for the real reason you are here, you need a new pincushion.  I am really loving this pincushion blog hop being hosted by Crystal at This one is so easy.  Sometimes we just need easy, but it can still be fun and cute.

You can make this square or you can make it a rectangle.  I am sharing how to do a  rectangle one today.

You need:
2 fabrics cut at 4 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches.  You can also make them bigger. 

Stuffing - polyfil, sand, crushed walnut shells

Take your 2 pieces of fabric and sew right sides together. 

 Leave an opening (I like to leave it on the long side) and turn right side out. Poke out the corners with a pencil or one of the point turner things. Stuff with your choice of filling and sew your opening closed.    You are done with your 10th pincushion. 

I really enjoy seeing your pincushionss and I love hearing from you.  Be sure to tag me on Instagram at as well as Crystal at

I will be back on the 17th and 23rd with 2 more and hoping to find a fun one for the 28th.

I plan to sew all of the pincushion that are being shared, but I have to do all by hand or wait until I can get back to my machine again.